速報APP / 工具 / Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hots

Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hots





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hotspot(圖1)-速報App

Portable wifi hotspot free turn your mobile into a wifi hotspot.

You want to use your Android phone or tablet for mobile wifi hotspot to finish a job and entertain in locations where there is no internet connection. Download the free wifi hotspot app with many advanced features.


Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hotspot(圖2)-速報App

✜ Turn your phone to a free wifi hotspot with just one click rapidly.

✜ Your phone will activate the 3 G or 4 G and 5 G mobile wifi hotspot wifi mode instantly.

✜ Share free wifi very quickly and easily with your colleagues.

Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hotspot(圖3)-速報App

✜ At least 4 easy steps, you can use your phone's mobile wifi hotspot to share wifi with other devices and friends. It's wonderful, isn't it?

✜ Fast and easily switch on / off the mobile wifi hotspot.

✜ Just click the "START" or "STOP" button to activate/deactivate the wifi hotspot.

Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hotspot(圖4)-速報App

✜ Track devices that are attached.

✜ You can use the "Connected Device List" to understand all the devices that use your mobile wifi hotspot, so it's convenient.

Portable wifi hotspot is today's best free app for sharing your mobile information with other devices. Helps users to create free 2G/3G/4G/5 G wifi hotspot sharing. You can rapidly share your phone information with friends or family. Free with lightweight data storage can broadcast wifi, high-speed, safe and easy way to share wifi from your phone.

Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hotspot(圖5)-速報App


Portable Wi-Fi Hotspot - Free Wi-Fi Hotspot(圖6)-速報App